Five Fun Facts About Your Canine Furbaby

Five Fun Facts About Your Canine Furbaby

Last fortnight we did crazy cat facts, today it's the dogs turn!

One. Dogs can smell your feelings
Dogs are super emotional creatures, we believe that! And this fact proves it. Your dog can detect chemical changes in your body, like your stress levels or excitement, by smelling your sweat or breath. It’s like a built-in emotional radar! And they respond to these emotions with their own!

Two. Dogs’ noses have wet tips for a reason
The wetness helps them capture scent particles, making their sense of smell even sharper. Their noses are also equipped with 300 million scent receptor, wow, so they can get the most out of those captured scent particles!

Three. Some dogs can "talk"
Certain breeds like the Husky are known for their howls and vocalisations, and some even mimic words or phrases in a kind of "dog language." If you've seen videos online of dogs saying 'I love you', 'no', 'mum' and more, you know it's true!

Four. A Greyhound can outrun a cheetah
Over short distances, Greyhounds can run up to 45 mph, faster than a cheetah’s top speed of 40 mph in the same short sprint. If you've ever wanted a cheetah because of their speed, try a greyhound instead!

Five. Dogs are "left-handed" or "right-handed"
Just like humans, dogs can show a preference for using one paw more than the other. This paw preference is similar to handedness in people. I wonder if 10% of dogs are left-handed, too?

Dogs are fascinating creatures and these are five more reasons to love them!

Did you know any of these fun facts? Do you have any others? If so, we'd love to hear them!


Blog posts

Five Fun Facts About Your Canine Furbaby
  • Josephine Stewart

Five Fun Facts About Your Canine Furbaby

Five Crazy Cat Facts
  • Josephine Stewart

Five Crazy Cat Facts