Five Things To Consider Before Getting a New Pet

Five Things To Consider Before Getting a New Pet

Whether you're thinking of getting your current fur baby a new friend or considering getting a pet for the first time, there's a few things to consider before expanding your family. 


One. The Who. 
Who is already in the house? Do you have a dog or cat already? Young children, or older people? Are your current furry friends (if you have them) open to a corresponding cat or dog? If you have a low-tolerance dog, don't bring home an excitable kitten or an aggressive puppy that will upset them. They're becoming a part of your family, so you have to make sure everyone in your family is happy to welcome their new friend!


Two. The What. 
What kind of companion are you looking for? One who will get you off the couch on daily walks, or one who will lounge with you in front of the tv? High-maintenance so you can enjoy good quality time, or low-maintenance so you don't have to feel guilty leaving them alone at home. Are you looking for a dog who will follow you from room to room, jump up onto your lap and look up at you with big puppy dog eyes, or is an aloof-but-loyal cat more your speed? Once you know what you're looking for, then you'll know where to look. 

Three. The When. 
When you're introducing a pet into your family is very important to consider. Animals like dogs thrive on predictable routine, space to move around and love and care from their best friends. Do you work long hours and crash straight in bed when you get home, but you have a job change coming soon which will give you more free time? Do you live in a little apartment where the living room becomes the kitchen becomes the bedroom by necessity rather than style, but you'll be moving soon to somewhere with walls, doors and a backyard? If you're just two weeks from paying off your car loans and will soon have money for pet food, vet bills and lots and lots of treats? If not, it may be best to wait until you've got the time, space and money to give your new friend the best life they can have.

Four. The Where. 
Where are you going to find your new friend? Are you hoping to go through an ethical breeder? Does your neighbour's dog have a new litter? Or have you set your eyes on a furry baby in the shelter who belongs at home with you? Once you know where you're finding your new pet, you can consider budget, preparing your home for its new edition and learning everything you need to know about their breed. 

Five. The How. 
The 'how' here means 'how are you going to take proper care of your new friend?' They rely on you to keep them safe, well-fed, and happy. So, consider 'how'. One 'how' is to keep them healthy and happy with delicious Pawganic Pet Meals. 

So... There's quite a few things to consider when bringing a new friend into the world. Let us help you make the best of it with Pawganic Pet Food. 


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