Five Changes to Make for Your Pet in 2024

Five Changes to Make for Your Pet in 2024

2024 is only a few days away and the new year inspires new habits. Many people feel reinvigorated by the calendar reset and want to make the new year even better than the last. This change is for yourself, your family, friends and community! You can also make changes in 2024 that will benefit your pet (and, most of the time, by extension yourself as well!). Here are five changes you could make in 2024 for your pet's improved health and wellness.

One. Comfortable Living.
January and February a good time to move into a new house, whether you're a renter or buyer. Moving in somewhere with a bigger yard could be a great improvement for your pet, but improving their living situation isn't just about moving house. Finding your pet a new bed, making an area of your house more pet-safe or becoming just a bit more lenient about the no-dog-on-the-couch rule are all great ways to make your pet a little more comfortable.

Two. Enjoy Time Together.
In the new year, you could carve out time each day to spend some quality time with your pet. Whether it is playing, cuddling or grooming, enjoying time together doesn't only make you and your pet feel better in your brains and hearts, but it strengthens the relationship between the two of you: this leads to better training and obedience so you can keep your pet safe. 

Three. Get A Bit Extra.
You may see someone who brushes their dogs teeth and think "geez! That's a bit extra!" but the reality is, if you have a smaller dog or a breed with a predisposition to teeth rotting, you can seriously improve or preserve their quality of life by brushing their teeth. Well-made dental chews are also a good option. 

Four. A Regular Routine. 
Want to hit the gym? Looking to really cement a routine in 2024? Don't forget to include your pet's necessary exercise. Take advantage of having a furry friend to keep you motivated and stick to a proper exercise routine with your pet. 

Five. Vet Check Ups. 
Do you visit the doctor once a year for a general check up? Your pet should be, too! Vet check ups can help prevent potential issues by catching signs and symptoms early. Vets can also confirm you're on the right track in terms of your pet's weight, dental and mental health. 

These five things could make a difference for you and your pet in the new year. Pawganic Pet Food can help by improving and maintaining the dental, mental and physical health of their little bodies. 


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