Five Reasons to Keep Your Cat Inside

Five Reasons to Keep Your Cat Inside

Nobody argues when you let your dog out for a wee, a walk and a sniff, and nobody argues when you let yourself out for a walk, either. In fact, it is generally encouraged for both you and your canine friend to get some time outside of the house. Why is it then, that when you open the door for your cat to explore your well-fenced, clean backyard, do some people start up, arguing about what’s right or wrong? Pet ownership often comes with a lot of disagreements and personal decisions, but every pet owner should be armed with the knowledge to make an informed choice that’s right for their pet. One important decision to make is whether to keep your pet cat indoors or allow them to roam outside. While outdoor adventures may seem appealing to cats, and can include advantages like physical exercise, mental stimulation, squashing boredom, and clean air and direct sunlight, there are also significant benefits to keeping them inside.

Here are five compelling reasons to consider keeping your pet cat indoors.

One. Safety for your pet
Indoor cats are protected from various dangers such as traffic accidents, getting lost, getting taken, fights with other cats or dogs, poison or cat traps. Keeping your cat indoors can prolong their life and ensure their safety.

Two. Health.
Indoor cats are less likely to encounter parasites, toxins, or diseases that outdoor cats are exposed to regularly. By keeping your cat inside, you can help them stay healthy and avoid potential health issues.

Three. Environmental Impact.
Keeping your cat indoors doesn’t just protect them from harm, but our native wildlife, too. Cats are known to hunt wildlife when outdoors, which can have a negative impact on local bird and small mammal populations. Keeping your cat inside helps protect native wildlife in your area.


Four. Reduced Stress.
Sometimes there’s enough mental stimulation in a day without introducing more — that’s true for humans and cats, too. Indoor cats are exposed to fewer stressful or overstimulating environments such as territorial disputes, loud noises, or harsh weather conditions. A safe and comfortable indoor environment can help your cat feel secure and content.


Five. Bonding and Companionship.
Okay, this one is more for the humans than the cats, but honestly, we wouldn’t blame you. Keeping your cat indoors allows for more quality time together, to form a bond over playing and providing mental enrichment.

We understand the desire to set your kitty free to the world, but many people agree that the risks far outweigh the benefits. Instead, by providing a safe, stimulating indoor environment, you can ensure your cat's safety, health, and well-being while strengthening your bond with your feline companion. If you do choose to take your kitty out, ensure they’re well supervised and in a secure yard. Perhaps consider a catio or a cat harness to balance the scales of risk vs reward.


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