Five Snacks Your Pet Can Eat Between Meals

Five Snacks Your Pet Can Eat Between Meals

Snacking is a human invention, an urge to indulge in the taste and texture of our favourite foods for just a liiiitle bit longer than the usual 3 meals a day. Many health professionals agree that snacking can be a healthy part of human life — and animal professionals agree it can be for your pet, too! Animals in the wild wouldn’t eat in such structured, breakfast, lunch and dinner meals like we do, and so would eat whenever they felt hungry. Though your cat or dog has likely gotten used to the human way after hundreds of years of domestication, they’ve also gotten used to snack time, just like us!

Your pet may express a desire to have a snack throughout the day, especially in the afternoon, and it's generally okay to provide them with a healthy snack. Unless your cat or dog is suffering from weight or intestinal issues and your vet has expressed concerns about overeating, a snack definitely wouldn’t hurt! And snacks don’t have to be overly expensive, over-processed or make you go out of your way. You know that cats and dogs love eating human food, and here’s 5 safe and healthy foods you can share with them for a satisfying snack. 

One. Apple and peanut butter.

Apple and peanut butter is a great snack for your pet — and for you, too! Just remember to buy peanut butter that has nothing but peanuts and salt on the ingredients list to reduce the risk of your pet getting sick. About half of an apple and a tablespoon of peanut butter can be a crunchy, smooth, teeth cleaning and fibrous snack!

Two. Rice cooked in broth.
This is a great sometimes snack for the colder nights — cook rice until very soft in a delicious bone broth and feed, rice and liquid, to your pet. This is also a great alternative (with cooked carrot and shredded chicken or beef) if you run out of pet food, but should only be used in this way in the case of an emergency. Too much rice could lead to kidney, heart or obesity problems. 

Three. Cucumber.
This is the ideal choice if you have a snacky pet. Cucumber is a great source of hydration or fibre, without risking too much sugar that comes from fruits like blueberries, apples and sweet potato. It is crunchy, satiating and fun to crunch. 

Four. Carrot. 
Carrot is another great choice for a pet who always seems hungry. It is crunchy, fibrous and sweet for your pet to enjoy. If you are feeding it to your dog, you can also freeze it to help battle the heat, too. 

Five. Pumpkin.

Plain cooked pumpkin is a great warming snack, and can also be mixed with rice for a bulkier meal. Boiled with bone broth can imbue it with more flavour to make it even more appealing to a picky pet. 

Any of these snacks could already be in your fridge! These snacks are also healthy for your pet and a great choice if your pet is hungry between their main meals. You can check how meals and snacks work into your pet’s day by reading our portion guide to ensure they’re healthy, satisfied and happy.


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