Paw News
Five Recipes Every Pet Parent Should Know
We've taken care of breakfast, lunch and dinner for your pet, but there's more to caring for your pet than their main meals. Getting into the kitchen and making food is one easy way to show someone you love them. We've included five recipes below to keep in your repertoire for when you want to spoil your pet.
Five Elements of the BARF protocol
The BARF protocol is the foundation of Pawganic Pet Food. It informs everything we do and makes a difference in your pet's life. Learn more here.
Our Top Five Favourite Ingredients in Pawganics
We love every ingredient in our pet meals as they've all been chosen especially for your pet. Each ingredient mimics your pet's revolutionary diet and is the same food their distant ancestors would eat. While we do love every ingredient, there's some which really stand out to us. Here are our top five:
Five Ways to Reduce Your PawPrint
Though we wouldn't give them up for the world, we know the life we live with our pets can spell negative consequences for the environment, if we're not careful. Luckily, we can reduce our pet's footprint on the Earth and sustain a happy, healthy life for everyone.
Five Ways to Live Nose-to-Tail with your Pet
Going nose-to-tail is a huge part of sustainability. It means using up the entire animal to give more value to its life (and death), to reduce wastage, and to get the most bang for your buck (not to mention the health benefits of some of the more offbeat meat cuts like kidneys, liver, brains and lean muscle cuts).
Five steps to transition to a raw diet
Transitioning your pet to a raw diet requires patience, careful monitoring, and proper nutrition. Follow these five steps and you can help your pet make a successful transition to a raw diet.